Julie Bonin

Discover an extraordinary person, emissary of the Akashas, healer, medium…

Discover her true story, her first conferences and universal messages, thanks to this story, which is both initiatory and rich in teachings.

“Revelations & Prodigies”, the book of Julie & Béatrice B.

“Revelations & Prodigies”, the book of Julie B. & Béatrice B.

A book described as “fabulous, modern, poignant, captivating…” by publishing professionals.

This book is written for you by Julie B.

It tells the true story of her life, which could be described as extraordinary.

Through a dialogue between her mother, the writer of this book, her faithful friend MarieT, and a certain Dominique who plays the role of “candid” here, you will discover the events that have marked Julie’s life and the impact she has made on those who have been lucky enough to meet her…

None of these facts can be changed, modified, distorted or called into question, as numerous internationally renowned or anonymous witnesses can attest…

So the question is not whether you believe it or not.

The fundamental question is this: what are you going to do with the message that awaits you at the turn of one of these chapters?…one of these pages?…And which could well change the course of your life…

Cover illustration: Brigitte Bonin, older sister of Julie B

Testimonies & Quotes

Even before she arrived, I felt Julie’s presence and presence flood the whole space, the whole Place…and she knew how to answer my questions…

James Redfield

This book… is a FABULOUS book.  Its message is one of the most important we can convey today, and the means of conveying it is astonishing.

Prof. Ervin Lazslo

…I was lucky enough to meet two extraordinary young women: Ama and Julie Bonin, medium and visionary.

Bernard Werber

This book will remain open, unlike others that are closed. It has already begun to blossom all over the world… a path towards the Light…

Alexandra Virag

Julie talks… about profoundly important issues that concern all of us who want to forge a new and better world.

Prof. Roger Nelson

This book… is a veritable treasure trove of inspiration…

Dr Luc Bodin

Julie recovers very important information from other dimensions. For many people, this can have a huge impact and reveal a lot about their lives.

Don Ernesto Ortiz

Peace, beauty and love radiate from Julie’s soul.

Dr Kiran Vyas

…Considered as an avatar, …gifted with telepathy, ubiquity and anticipation…Julie is the singular irruption of an exceptional being.

Emmanuel Jaffelin

This book guides us directly to the essence of the experience of heart energy…Julie is a magnificent and radiant Bodhisattva.

Baptist de Pape

Some book extracts

On page 35, an extract from Julie B.'s 1st public lecture at the Palais des Congrès in Pau

“The universal consciousness has been informed of all our thoughts, words and actions since the dawn of time, as well as possible futures. I, Julie, have full access to it.

It’s like you, with the Internet, you write a word and you get your answer. I consult the cosmic internet, the Akashic writings, and I gain perspective and distance from events. I work on a higher plane of consciousness, in celestial vibrations that are inaccessible to most humans.

Thank you for believing me.”

Page 55, extract from Julie's interviews with Prof. Ervin Lazslo's Research Committee in Italy

“You’re not German”, she shouted at this woman doctor, one of the main guests at this seminar, who had introduced herself as such!

And Julie continued: “You’re Russian! You went to a chapel in Russia where there’s an icon of the Virgin Mary. You have to go back there to repeat your vow for your daughter, but first you have to work on yourself, on humility. Only then will your wish be granted.

The woman, stunned at first, burst into tears and admitted that everything was true!”

Page 65, extract from Julie's visions in Medjugorje, during the apparitions of the Virgin Mary

“It was 9.50pm and at that moment, Julie turned and stared slightly to the right of the Blue Cross, as if she had started talking to someone there. Then Julie said to her mum in French and then in English: “Open your hearts. Everyone is going to receive a message for themselves alone, in their heart…

… – You mean that Julie saw the Virgin ten minutes before the other official witnesses?

– I mean that there are more than thirty-five of us who saw Julie looking at Her and transmitting Her messages, ten minutes before those present at the White Cross, yes.”

Page 68, excerpt from the chapter entitled "The oracles of Julie, little Pythia

“This little lady was clearly not only a “mini-Pythia”, but also a grace and a blessing!

Over the last few symposiums, many people have been lucky enough to receive “oracles” from Julie, including famous speakers.

Page 70, extract from the Chapter: "Julie's gift of ubiquity and 'Artiser'".

“You’ll never guess what happened to me last night!

Julie was there, at the foot of my bed! She smiled at me … and reassured me”


To order the book

The English version exists, with the title “Revelations & Prodigies”, but for the moment, we are looking for a publisher for English-speaking countries.
For the time being, the book is only published in French under the title “Le Cercle Magique” by Editions Baudelaire, and you can order it from these websites:

Fnac | Decitre | Cultura | Furet du Nord | Place des libraires | Amazon

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